
Showing posts from January, 2024

The Church of the Saints

 للنسخه العربيه، اضغط هنا The Church Of The Saints The following discussions explore a controversial series of thoughts that continue to spark some extensive debates on social media. It revolves around the doctrine of intercession of saints and having blessings from icons and the bodies of saints in Coptic Orthodox churches. The discussions often involve heated debates and accusations, such as labeling the Orthodox or Catholic Church as "worshiping the dead" or calling it a "pagan church." Unfortunately, some individuals use harsh mockery and explicit insults, attempting to justify this unchristian behavior by citing verses from the Holy Scriptures.   Moving away from these futile discussions, I’ve noticed that while few servants are trying to defend the doctrine of intercession, there semm to be some contradictions in the explanations of intercession from various perspectives. I acknowledge that some explanations, seemingly support the doctrine of intercess...

كنيسة القديسين

Click here for English Version كنيسة القديسين   في موضوع بقاله فترة مسيطر على أفكاري وشاغل مساحه كبيره من الجدل على المنصات الالكترونيه والسوشيال ميديا .. وهو موضوع شفاعة القديسين والبركه من الأيقونات وأجساد القديسين في الكنائس القبطيه .. وطبعاً لا يخلو الأمر من تراشق الألفاظ والاتهامات زي مثلا: عباد الأموات .. أو كنيسة الأوثان .. وللأسف البعض استخدم السخريه اللاذعه، بل والشتائم الصريحه، وحاول تبرير هذا السلوك الغير مسيحي بالمره بالاستناد على أيات   من الكتاب المقدس. فعادي جداً انه يدي نفسه الحق انه يشتم الكنيسه الأورثوذكسيه ويصفها انهم "وثنيين" ويبرر ان الكتاب المقدس قال في سفر الخروج "لاَ تَصْنَعْ لَكَ تِمْثَالًا مَنْحُوتًا، وَلاَ صُورَةً مَا مِمَّا فِي السَّمَاءِ مِنْ فَوْقُ.." (خر 20: 4). لكن بعيدا عن سخف الجدالات العقيمه والمناقشات الغبيه. من الواضح ان - كالعاده – كل اللغط والجدل اللي حوالين طقوس كنسيه، أو ممارسات أو عادات توارثتها الكنيسه الأورثوذكسيه، هو - بصوره مباشره أو غير مباشره – هجوم على عقيدة الشفاعه. ومن هنا كانت صدمه شويه لي اني لقيت تضارب في...

Was there really martyrdom?

  Was there really martyrdom? Many times, I ask myself, are the stories of the saints we read really true? I mean, when we take the Synaxarium and read the stories written in it, were the saints in the Synaxarium really so steadfast, or is the Synaxarium just trying to exaggerate a bit? It's for sure a bit exaggerated! It's not possible that every two pages you find a saint's story going like this, ‘he went and confessed before the king. He tried to soften him. And when he couldn't convince him, the king got angry, threatened him, then tortured him severely. And when he gave up on him, he cut off his head, and he achieved the crown of martyrdom! Blah blah blah’. And of course, don't forget the occasional miracle here and there Maybe the saints' movies that spread in the late nineties - despite the very humble efforts made with limited resources - helped shape this idea. I felt like they all had the same shape in one way or another (the saint goes to the gove...

And drinks My Blood..

  And drinks My Blood… (Imaginary dialogue between two friends about the true meaning of drinking blood in the bible)   -         Thomas:  I had a question – or more of an objection – regarding those who claim that the Eucharist is the actual body and blood of Christ. I believe it is very clear that this is a symbolic or metaphorical representation, nothing more…’Am I seriously consuming flesh? Surely the Bible’s teachings condemn this?’ The evidence is that God prohibited the consumption of blood: "But you shall not eat the flesh with life, that is, its blood." (Genesis 9:4). In the New Testament, one of the laws imposed by the apostles on the Gentiles was to abstain from consuming blood. The verse says, "that you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. Farewell." (Acts 15:29). Is it reasonable...